Tuesday, November 8, 2011

James 2011 SDR Progress.wmv

I was going through some old videos of James when I got my new cellphone. and I put them all together really for myself to be reminded just houw thankful I should be. See sometimes I forget just how far god has brought us in the journey with James. Seeing his progress over the years in vidoes reminds me just how blessed we have been. So I wanted to share his video story. I would love it if you shared this with your firends on facebook or your blogs. I know that  as a mom of a child with special needs I am always serching for someone that understands and maybe seeing this video will inspire another mom to see the blessings in their lives as well.



Hi I watched your video on James life and as I told your Mom who could not cry at seeing your wonderful progress James and I just know in my heart that you will walk one day. You are a very lucky boy to have such a wonderful supportive family who love you to pieces.
I have a 4 1/2 year old grandson Jonah who was born blind and he is the sunshine in my life. I babysit him three days a week and he constantly amazes me a what he accomplishes everyday. These
children are sent to us for very special reasons and God wants us to take good care of you.
Blessings James. keep up the good work.

Denise :)

Gracious ME -- tears are just rolling down my face! I love the end, when he's walking down the hall, and he stops to let the PT go by, so he can look up at you and smile. He's so precious! :)

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