Thursday, February 4, 2010

big changes for our little james

You have waited SO patiently! Sorry to tease you before but here is our good news for today.....

Yesterday Josh and I took James to his regular physical and occupational therapy appt. Now I will be the FIRST to tell you just how cute I think James is. I mean come on look at this face...

So not to be too braggy....Eh who am I kidding I LOVE to brag about my baby! He has made HUGE leaps in his gross motor skills!! His therapist started his appt just like normally and then James just started showing us all his new tricks. He crawled 6 feet on his hand and knees!! He pulled up to the table on his own and THEN................. Drum Roll PLEASE!!

James pulled to standing with very little help. And stood unassisted for 2 whole minutes. Now those of you that are reading this that have "typically" developing children you might not understand just how big this is for us. So I will put it this way.
Our PT said that when we got to St. Louis in March they are going to look at the evaluation she filled out in Dec and think this is a different child!!

But I am here to tell you that this IS our James. He is the kid that will show everyone just how determined and strong he is! James has worked so hard to reach these goals. And in fact we have had 3 therapist in the past 2 days tell us that they never expected James to progress this much. Now here is a the bad of the good ( but Ill take it!) That KidWalk that we JUST ordered well guess what???? It is actually holding him BACK! 6 months ago when we ordered the KidWalk James could not sit totally unassisted, he could not hold his own weight without his braces in standing, and his truck ( upper-body) strength was very week. I was told that he would not be able to hold himself up in a reverse walker. Well his showed them because he is now learning to walk in the reverse walker. How cool is this kid!!.....

The KidWalk is of course still be used as a stander and I have worked it out with the seating company that after the surgery they are going to give us a reverse walker for FREE! How cool is that!
Ok so I am going to leave you will a very good looking picture! This was taken a few weeks ago and James was leaning on the bench here but now he can stand withOUT leaning!!



I'm so glad for James to be making great srides. Yes, he is a cutie! :)


Way to go James!!! What an answer to prayer!!!!!

Laura Hamp

i love these photos! He sure IS one STRONG lil guy! GOD BLESS YOU LITTLE JAMES!!! (I know he will)

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