is a wheelchair. Strollers are optional for families. Convenient, YES, but optional. James can self propel himself in this wheelchair but when he wants to go a little faster he needs a little push. Trust me I want James to not need this new wheelchair more than anyone. But for this time in his life that is not our reality.
I hope you leave here today a little more educated about what a wheelchair is and is NOT!
I guess these are the same people who won't allow guide-dogs into their businesses. All the important changes in history have been as a result of ruffled feathers. Does the Birmingham jail ring a bell Cotton Row Run folks? Just remember who picked that cotton that made your Cotton Row run possible-people who were treated as second class citizens. Change will come my always does.
People don't know that's a wheelchair!? Geez!
Holly, It is amazing how ignornant some people can be about people with special needs.
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