Thursday, June 17, 2010

First Home PT session

Today began the first of many physical therapy sessions we will take James too. I was excited for his therapist to see James for the first time after his spinal surgery. It was sort of strange to be taking my child to a physical therapy session just 7 days from having a major spinal surgery. Wow, God is good!

We are officially 1 week from surgery and James has made some great progress. He can now roll from his back to his belly. He can get onto his hands and knees and even make a few crawling movements. He gets pretty tired quickly but after resting for a min he is back and working on building those muscles right back!

We are still finding muscles that he can now move that he was never able to move before. Like pre-SDR when he would lay on his tummy he could lift his legs (straight) about half an inch of the ground. NOW he can lay on his tummy and kick his bottom or lift his legs straight several inches off the ground just like normal! It is amazing. I also noticed that when I change his diaper he is much more comfortable. I think I could sit here and list all the cool things he can do but the list would just keep growing!!

The PT today was very impressed with his new body. She is excited to get him on his program . I was surprised at how nervous I was for other people to touch and move him. I am trying to work through this but I am so afraid of someone hurting his back that I find myself hovering! UH OH.. am I becoming a helicopter mom??? I think my dad and husband might say yes LOL!

James has been very clingy to me. I know this will pass so I am enjoying every snuggle I can get! When that sweet little face looks and me and says "Mommy hold you" Well I melt and stop whatever I am doing and hold that baby!

I am so grateful for all of your emails, notes, dinners, and facebook comments letting us know you are praying for us. They have meant SO very much to me. God has been so good to us and has shown us so many wonderful miracles that I look forward to what He has in store for us. I can't wait to repay this love and encouragement that God has lead so many of you to offer!

I hope you are looking forward to following James' progress! I am going to try my best to post everyday and really make this a journal of this incredible journey!


Melissa Kelly

That is such wonderful news, I have been following James' progress and hope and pray that he will continue to better each day.

Crazy for the Lord- Our Adoption Journey!

Praise God! He is such a special little boy and I barely know you guys!!:) You are a wonderful Mom and you guys are going to get through this because you guys are so strong!! God is SO good!! I am excited to be following his progress and I can't wait to actually "meet: your little guy in person!!:)

Stacey T.

I am in awe over the progress he is making already!! I am SO SO SOOOO happy for you guys!!!I bet each time you discover something new he can do it feels AMAZING!! I am really looking forward to more updates and videos, keep them coming!!

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